воскресенье, 26 января 2020 г.


Fixed problem with messages to self being rejected as a virus from a stranger even when authenticated. Fixed cpu loop in rare web requests. Webmail sporadic bug that webmail would log out out immediately on first login Fix: On most systems this extra disk usage will be insignificant, e. Legacy support for avast will continue for 12 months but we recommend using the new virus config page to change to one of the above scanners after updating surgemail. Additional wave template set for blogs New: surgemail 3.8k4

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NetWin Surgemail k4 IMAP Service first Stack-based memory corruption

Bounce handling of surgewall filtering rules Fix: Suggested limit should be relatively high, e. The google authentication app available on IOS and Android is then needed to login.

Peflog restarting surgemail if missing more than 5 minutes of data Fixed: Fixes to updated mailing list interface Fix: New spam prevention settings: .38k4 disk loading on webmail due to reduced flushing Fix: Tellmail archive search fixes for: Auto create recycling root folder. Several other minor fixes SurgeMail 3.

surgemail 3.8k4

Retry times were not getting obeyed for messages that could not even open a connection to the destination server Fix: Admin interface log searching would sometimes return an incorrect empty result. Friends release didn't move messages to inbox.

Archive viewer was missing the last 30 odd characters of messagas Fix: Reduce burst logging if uid already set.

Integral support for blog listing with technorati. Made license limit handling smoother.

SurgeMail Changes History

surgfmail Minor memory leak in SSL connection handling Fix: SurgeMail Beta Build Surgemail 6. Added mouse click handling to webmails address autocompletion functionality Fix: Bounce to rules were being lost in some situations Fixed: Added admin recovery features to atrest encryption.

Note for safety, this setting should be turned off during a hardware failure of the master system 6.

surgemail 3.8k4

IMAP dying on certain messages Fix: Send channel thread creation leak freebsd only Fix: Changed default install to set recommended settings on by default Fix: IMAP import bug that would fail to import folders if the destination server sent list responses with a trailing space Fix: Quota handling uncommon crash Fix: Bug in signup per day limits Fix: One could imagine if a user has been having secret discussions they might wish to be able to delete 'all' evidence visible from the email client at least.

Get the "download all fix" noted in surgeweb changes into the production release distributions.

surgemail 3.8k4

The link returns a page with a verification image, the user enters the number shown and clicks "Add IP" or "Release message" depending on the context. Legacy support for avast will continue for 12 months but we recommend using the new virus config page to change to one of the above scanners after updating surgemail.

Require friend confirmation if email appears to be in language not in list of accepted languages Fix: Hopefully final fix to WebMail autologin. Latest version of webmail now included with surgemail releases for this release v3.

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