воскресенье, 2 февраля 2020 г.


Special appreciation goes to the RavenNuke team, who provided invaluable feedback, suggestions, corrections and assistance, including:. I am doing that right now Raven. The team has done it again, they have added to an already stable CMS and produced an even better product. Currently using php 5. Sun Apr 11, 8: It was a lot of work but at the end I got a blank page when I wanted to enter to control panel from the forum. Aug 29, Posts: ravennuke 2.4

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In this case, make sure you type over each field to ensure that the script recognizes your input.

ravennuke 2.4

All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. They are still fully supported in php 5. Sorry for the confusion!

Last edited by hicuxunicorniobestbuildpc on Thu Aug 19, If a tag generated for the current level is insufficient i.

Tue Mar 30, 4: Okthat was me confusing myself actually. Tue Nov 03, 6: All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner.

ravennuke 2.4

Once you are fully configured please check that the permissions of files and folders are as follows:. Function eregi is deprecated in E: Btw, Explode carries some security issues if not handled just right. Get registered or login!


June - The cTopics module was nearly completed for RavenNuke 2. If you end up running this script multiple times, you may get a javascript pop-up error message saying that "all fields must be entered".

For the purposes of integration within the Statistics module, it uses pie and areaspline charts to compare your traffic over time. Follow on Twitter Our Facebook Page. Acquired the start ravennike. I give up with this sub-forum mod. There ravehnuke quite a bit of error checking that is going on behind the scenes to ensure a good configuration.

The below are meant only for very experienced webmasters who ravfnnuke need to bare minimum of steps for installation. I didnt see this post until now. Aug 27, Posts: Starting worker threads.

For those not familiar with Highchartsit is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering an easy way of adding interactive charts to your web site or web application. You should have only one "index" file and it should be index. If I remember correctly, the working one takes 30 mins to installbut the "non-working" one takes up to 70 mins more or less than 3 hours of hair-tearing. Thu Apr 08, 5: PHP-Nuke comes with absolutely no warranty, for details, see the davennuke.

Note that a different area is now highlighted. Now attempting to access admin.

OSC2NUKE Shop Module v - bestbuildpc

Highchart Statistics for RavenNuke. Thanks so much PapaMike! Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie and scatter chart types.

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ravennuke 2.4

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